Originally posted by wicked4182
Meeting people who honestly believe peace is the answer. And are willing to sacrifice for it.
You've never been to Boulder, CO and seen the hippies and anti-everything rallies...
I laugh at their stupidity...(you would too if you heard their rally speaches in person...)
Nor have you met the people from England and Europe who decided to go to Iraq during the beginning of the US invasion and be human shields for Iraq's hospitals and other civilian buildings... The stupid thing about that was that they complained when Sadam putting them in front of military targets instead...
I laugh even harder at this kind of stupidity. I'm not trying to be disrespectful for anyone willing to die for peace. I think it's a nobel cause if carried our right. But you shouldn't go to Iraq to be a human shield and then compain when you get put in front of a military target. One should be smart enough to know that it was going to be that way with the lack of morals that that government had. That's just my opinion, and I don't mean to piss anyone off by it.
Sorry about rambling on about something slightly off the initial thread subject.
I don't know if there is anything in this world that is actually possible that can happen and turn my beliefs upside down. I guess if Bill Gates and Microsoft suddenly became generous rather than greedy, and actually made a product that would not ever crash on me (trust me... I'll get it to crash somehow or another, right when I need it not to...), then my view of that aspect of the would would be shaken. Perhaps also the absolute proof that there wasn't a god or other supernatural being of any kind. That would shake up my worldly views. Overall I'm pretty open to new and obscure ideas, and my beliefs are set up in a way that they're flexable and continue to evolve as I travel through life.