it could be argued that there are truly low and scummy people out there who will only change when made to suffer- and suffering that they do not know the source of is often quite effective in causing a bit of introspection which MIGHT (or not) cause them to change- from a personal standpoint, I live life with the belief that a person wronging you in a serious way merits punishment, likewise, them wronging someone you care about should also bring punishment- you must look at it from a detached viewpoint, and if a person is truly a threat, that threat must be eliminated, using no more force than is nescessary to prevent them from being a threat any longer- use the law if you can, if not then DIY- It should be noted that I also feel that right and wrong are sometimes subjective, with a lot of gray areas, and that sometimes to produce a good outcome requires an evil act.
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens