I started smoking because a girl I liked smoked. I found pretty quickly that it was enjoyable. It gives you something to do, it tastes interesting, it's oral and it involves destruction of an item by flame. You also get to blow lungfuls of smoke into the air, a situation that doesn't occur "safely" in any natural circumstance.
I kept smoking because I was addicted, both to the chemicals and to the additional aspect it brought to my image.
I stopped smoking because a girl I like doesn't smoke. It's very hard for me to be around smoking people, because I want to beat them and steal their cigarettes. It's been about five months since I had a cigarette. The girl is worth it, but I had incorporated smoking so far into my self image that I still feel as if I've lost something important. All I've really lost is having to shell out to buy a carton of Camel Lights every week or so. It still makes me sad.