I woudln't necessarily call it the greatest thign ever, but I've turned it into a reason for buying an xbox, and to that effect, a console.
I play video games on the computer. My brother plays console games. He owns every frickin' console int he world since the first generation Atari, the only exception was the TG16, that I purchased, and the Neo Geo (who was crazy enough to by that sucker?)
The Xbox is the only conosle I have considered worthy of buying, solely for the Xbox Live.
My favorite game on the system is Crimson Skies. That game is simply amazing. X-box live Team Deathmatch is awesome. I could get bored of it if I played it too much every day, but I only play video games even on my computer about once or twice a month, once a week if I'm lucky.
I am saving for an xbox after the price decrease.
I think Mech Assault is *decent* online. I never get to play it long enough to really enjoy the game. Like Crimson Skies, it is a completely different game when you have someone sitting next to you playing it online and helping you double team individuals.
These are the only two games I've played online, and the ability to talk to everyone online is absolute fun. Its idle chat that brings slight excitement to everyone present, and in the case of Crimson Skies, there is nothing more fun than dogfighting with soemone for an extended amount of time, to finally yell out, "you're dead!" as soon as your target lines up.
I woudln't say its the best in the world. I still think that computer gaming is my niche of entertainment, but Xbox live *is* the reason i've considered buying a console again.