Originally posted by dragon2fire
watch for running programs
like real palyer and such
might sound like a dumb question but check the virtual memory
Yep. I thought of that, but there doesn't seem to be anything running that shouldn't be. They didn't slip real player in there or anything... I boosted the virtual memory way the hell up and haven't seen any real improvement.
Originally posted by wilbjammin
AOL is a demon, you can't uninstall of the changes it does to your computer even by going through all of the uninstall processes.
Yeah, but I don't want this thread to denegrate into an "AOL sucks, what were you thinking?" thread. She uses AOL for email. Always has. That's her choice and where friends and family know to reach her. If you've got ideas about what 9.0 might have installed and how I can remove those and re-optimize the system, I'm all ears.