XBOX Online: Overhyped?
Admittedly, I've been playing for only just over a month, but so far I don't think it's the greatest thing ever like I hear so many people say.
I've played Mechassault, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six online and like them all O.K. (Ghost Recon probably the best), but for every great game (and you do find groups of players who are extremely fun to play with) there's at least five games where the connection is screwed up, 10 games where the other players know the spawn points so well they just stake them out and snipe you ad naseum, and another 10 games where there's at least one player using some knid of cheat.
I know the better I get the more fun I'll have playing and with everyone online community there'll be the occasional assholes, but, I mean, it's almost as if the fun things about Xbox online are cancelled out by the annoyances.
Let me stress ALMOST, because I'll still play and I think it's still fun, but the greatest thing ever?
I don't know, what are all of your thoughts?