Well, he didn't ask about the reputation of emachines, he asked about the specs. I personally would get a Dell instead, but that's his choice. I gave him my opinion on the specs. And when I say "upgrade," I don't mean buying a new videocard for it, I mean buying an emachine that simply has a better videocard.
Those that say they aren't upgradeable because they have on-board video, sound etc.: there are jumpers on the motherboard that allow you to bypass the soldered components and install an upgrade. It's annoying to have on-board crappy video, but you can bypass it.
He said he didn't know how to build a PC. That's why I didn't recommend building one. It's really complicated if you've never did it before. If he wants to buy a store-PC, there's not a whole lot of difference in quality (except for Compaq, ha ha). Dell has some badass deals every now and then, but the rest of the companies (HP, Gateway, etc.) have just about the same thing.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert