Meat Juggler groans, his face in the dusty ground. He hears commotion and noises around him. He stands up and composes himself, then surveys his surroundings. There are many fighters now, many powerful and wonderous warriors with powers that far exceed his own beef-swinging abilities.
He comes to realise the hopelessness of his position. He faces omnipotent, all-knowing beings that can fly and curse stupid puns and run around like loonies. The Meat-Juggler, inherently stupid and cursed with the tactical reasoning to rival the slaughtered animal in his hand, falls back on his last hope. A hope that, with any luck, will slightly reduce the balance in his enemies' favour. If he couldn't win, he could at least make a damn good job of making everyone nauseous.
The Juggler focuses on his stomach. His acids start to react with the meaty contents of his belly and produce a gas that builds up and rumbles in his gut. With a swift, peristalic effluvium, the Juggler unleashes an almighty belch with power enough to shake the very depths of souls; it sends shockwaves in all directions - the dirt on the ground is blown away like a sandstorm with a force to cripple the mightiest of foes. The effects of this onslaught, he hopes, will not be trivial on his adversaries...
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Last edited by stevie667; 11-18-2003 at 02:58 PM..