"Alright! These guys are strong. I'm getting excited!"
With that, Matt began frolicing through the battle like a child in a candy store. He moved fluidly through, placing blows where he saw fit. The whole time, a smile covered his face. At some point, the orcs realized it was foolish to continue a head on onslaught, so the encircled him. Matt merely looked around, and smiled. The bravest of the orcs charged him, but in a flash Matt's staff was out and extended, knocking the orc blade into a nearby tree. A continuation of the same motion brought the other end of the staff into the orc's head, flooring him. After that, all of the orcs charged at once. Matt brought himself into the air with an easy jump, and turned upside down. The orcs merely watched with a dumbfounded expression. [OOC: I'm just flowing with my writing here, so my expression matches the orcs. Wait! I've got it!] He planted one end of the staff in the ground and seemingly ran across the circle of orcs, delivering kicks as he went. The circle flew back, all of them injured or out. Matt's melee abilities were indeed great, and these foolish orcs did not have the intelligence to attack in any way other than hand to hand. Matt had given himself some breathing room now, so he looked over to see how his companions were doing.