Mojo, Aquinas's Just War theory is not only ridiculous but it is not an intrigal part of the Christian faith. It is an interpretation by a Catholic monk that has been philosophically and religiously refuted many times over. More importantly you are confusing theory with practice. If you look at the Koran you will see that violence is a big no no for the Islamic faith. However, zealous hate-mongers can always find ways to justify their hate in terms of religion so that it becomes infallible and obligitory. Radical Christians did it in the Crusades, the Holocaust, & the burning of Islamic Temples post 9/11; Radical Jews do it to Palestinians in Israel; and Radical Muslims did it on 9/11 and synagogue bombings in Turkey. You needn't worry about any of the world's major religions or its follows on face. What you are worried about are the fringe loonies that feel that their religion is being destroyed by others or that they can frame their violence as a religious act. You're worried about zealots and I'd say that you need to be careful in framing all follows of any faith as zealots else you head down the road to fanaticism yourself.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751