Quite honestly, I've always enjoyed smoking, for as long as I've been old enough to sneak one with my friends. When I finally turned 18, I could buy them and smoke whenever I wanted. It was a pretty cool feeling, but it wore off after a couple of months of a pack a week. Fast forward to January of this year: I was trying dip (just because it intrigued me...I found it disgusting, but it made me want to know more, oddly enough) and bummed a smoke off my best friend, since I was out of snuff that night. I started smoking more and more, dropped the snuff and now I'm at a pack a day and I love it. The past two weekends have proven that I CAN go without, however. I spent last weekend with family, and was unable to slip away for a smoke for several days, while this weekend I was simply too busy (and I was visiting back home) to smoke, strangely enough.
It may have started as something new or "cool" (I still think that in the right situation, cigarettes do indeed look cool), but it's the taste, the ritual (packing the unopened cigarettes, flipping a lucky, etc.) and the instant bond that smokers make while standing in the freezing cold for a few breaths of that sweet smoke that keeps me coming back. Matter of fact, I'm going right now to have my last one before bed.
it's all about self-indulgence
Last edited by majik_6; 11-16-2003 at 11:02 PM..