Sex tape roulette
semi-long post ahead
So I was listening to a radio station back home through the Net on Friday (for any ATL people out there, it was the Bert Show on Q100), and they were talking about the Paris Hilton sex video, etc. The DJs on the show had this idea for a stunt that they wanted to pull off but were having trouble with one component of it... here goes:
They would ask someone of their audience who had made one of these said tapes to bring in a sex tape with him/herself in it. Then they would have two random Disney tapes. They would cover the labels so that you couldn't tell which one was which, and have the person pick a video. This video would then get sent in the mail to their parents, and the parents would be instructed to call in and then pop the tape into their VCR.
The DJs were having trouble deciding what they needed to bring to the table to make this work, aka what they would have to give (money, vacation, etc) to get someone to do this. So the first caller was a woman who said that they were out of their minds, they'd have to offer like a month in Paris in the finest suite before she would even start to think about it, etc. So the DJs were like, ok. Next caller was a woman, said she needed the money, said she would do it for $1000. Next caller was a man, said he needed to pay off bills, he said he would do it for $900. Bids kept going back and forth, and more callers joined in, until finally one guy said, "you know what, i'm just gonna do it for the thrill of it... i'll do it for FREE!"
So now they talk to this guy. As they're talking to him, he reveals that he has made not one, but THREE tapes, one with him and a woman, one with him and 2 women, and one with him, a woman, and another man. Part of his motivation for doing this was also to spite his parents or his father or something... here's the kicker: his father is a preacher.
So now my question to you all is: have you made a tape? and what would it take for you to participate in a stunt like this? Fact is, there is a 2/3 chance that your parents see a harmless Disney video.