if i were you, i'd put the tri's with the chest. and make sure you stretch!
depending on the amount of time i know i'm gonna have (ie. summer vs. during school), it can change a bit, but i often switch between 2 routines...
1: push/pull routine
day 1: chest, tri's, anterior/lateral delts
day 2: upper back, bi's, posterior delts, forearms
day 3: legs, lower back, abs
2: antagonist muscle groups routine
day 1: chest/upper back, forearms
day 2: legs, lower back, abs
day 3: bi's/tri's, forearms
i always do forearms on the same day as my upper back, because when i do shoulder shrugs, holding the heavy dumbbells hits them pretty hard, so i like to then do the normal forearm exercises.
i do my lower back on the same day as legs, because i like doing it with hyperextentions and stiff-leg deadlifts/good mornings (switching those up every once in a while).
i do cardio for 20-30 minutes on the days that lift, and if i get around to cardio on my off lifting days, then i try for 45-60 min.
oh, and the days are not consecutive, usually monday, wednesday, friday. just 1,2,3 meaning the order during the week.
Last edited by Mael; 11-17-2003 at 01:55 PM..