After equipping himself with a new cloak, since his was so travel worn, and a number of "snacks" for the long journey ahead, Vanelee made his way to the back of the sop where the women's section was. He thougt that Nina would like a new traveling cloak also, since hers was so worn to. He bought her a green hooded cloak to replace the similar one she had before.
'I think she'll like that." Vanelee thought to himself, as he stashed the cloak in his traveling bag. The cloak was accompanied by a few healing potion, a pair of dragon hide gloves, and an undershirt that was woven from the hairs of a unicorn, giving it magical propeties.
Joining the rest of his group in the courtyard Vanelee wondered where the young miss had gone. While he wondered, he saw a semi-distraught looking Dreggan patting his half empty bag, which had previously been teaming with bags of stolen gold. His gaze also fell upon Matt, who was eyeing his newly bought bag of food with hungry eyes.
Adjusting his new cloak, Vanelee walked towards the duo and said, "I think that we should either go to the armory, if any of us feel the need for weapons, or else move out and start tracking that winged creature, so that it's claws do not fall upon any innocent inhabitants."