What kind of tastey dishes have you created by just dumping stuff into a fry pan ?
the other day I started dumping meat and all kinds of miscelaneous sauces into my fryin pan. The dish ended up being the best damn casserole I've ever made. It had : pound of hamburger meat, half an onion, some mushrooms, ranch dressing, sour creme, onion dip, garlic, box of tomato soup powder, some cheddar cheese, and a bunch of different seasonings and spices. Best damn meal ever. I love cooking up crap like that, it always tastes different and good.
What kinds of things have you made by cleaning out a fridge or by bordem and hunger resulting in such a thing ?
Cooking spaghetti noodles then adding whipped eggs and all sorts of bullion cubes and crap makes a weird and delicious soup too.
i rarely cook with recipes.