I'd like to challenge the very notion of perfection. It assumes that there's one ideal, one standard (or a range of acceptable standards), and everything else is a flaw. Diversity in form is not just evolutionarily healthy, it's INTERESTING! Look at...say...Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox. Both very beautiful women, both held up as standards for other women. Which is "more" perfect? Or, I see a tall skinny guy with an interesting face and geeky glasses, and a buff-looking guy with blond hair and a vapid if "perfect" face, and I know who I find endearing. But who's more perfect? Even if you say perfection is in the eye of the beholder, we didn't pull it out of nowhere. It comes from seeing certain ideals held up and rewarded. Falling into the trap of seeking perfection in ourselves or others is, IMHO, a fast way to lose a small piece of our humanity.
I didn't really answer the question but I imagine you can guess what my reply is