1. Why go people feel such an urge to categorize or label things?
2. Has this urge given us more or less understanding throughout the years?
3. How many of my desires/motivations/fears etc. are a result of my mind rationalizing instinct or biological urges?
4. Why are statistics so meaningful to people when all any of us knows firsthand is individual experience?
5. Why is it that when I meet someone new or encounter something new the first question I ask myself is "do I like this person or thing"?
6. Why am I so reluctant to change those snap judgements, even though I have been continuously surprised by people I thought I had pigeonholed?
7. How much artistic quality is inherent in an object (sculpture/symphony/poem/performance) and how much is determined by the audience's reaction to it? Can art be artistic without an audience?
8. Can art be created without intent?
9. Why do I seem to spend 90% of my time correcting situations or actions that I knew better about from the start? (This is in reference to relationships, career decisions, etc.)
10. When I am taking the time to "get to know myself" I know that I am actually doing something, but what is it? Who is do the "getting to know" and what exactly is it "getting to know"? Which one of these parties is really me?
Rogue - thanks for a great thread! Got me thinking already, and now there is ready fodder for hundreds (well, there will be) of high quality discussions here!
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
Last edited by ubertuber; 11-16-2003 at 09:25 AM..