Beaming like a poppinjay at the prospect of a new fancy sleeved tunic, the Master walks slowly and purposefully over to his floored nemesis. Surveying his surroundings, he allows himself a brief chuckle at the sight of the fighter in the distance jumping up and down like a deranged baboon, completely oblivious to the conflict around him.
'Deary me, such uneducated ruffians these fighters' The master expostulates, before sitting down to gnaw hungrily at the ostentatious stick of succulent animal. Shock covers his face as his snack is snatched away from him, denied by its protector.
'Well, if THATS the way you want it, especially after i offered you a refreshing beverage...'
Retrieving his spoon, and getting once more to his feet, he peers into the slit like eyes of the floored meat mangler. Raising his weapon to strike, the master catches a wiff of beard, the nauseating combo of beef and grog, and a thousand other unmentionable atrocities invades his facilities, with somewhat grizzly results for the already sodden beef master...
No Win No Fee
Last edited by vonstalhein; 11-16-2003 at 04:53 AM..