Originally posted by ARTelevision
Do you tend to bounce back from bad news? I'm interested in how you do it. Do you ignore stuff like this? Or do you take a gambler's view on the odds and hope the worst won't happen? Or even if it does, do you still keep looking at the best and brightest of our accomplishments?
Usually, there's nothing to be done, as in this example. Given that situation, I prefer to go on as though I hadn't seen this "news". If you want to be upset about things, feel free, but it's a waste of time to do so. It's much better to spend time being happy, given the choice, I think.
Anyway, this blurb is just speculation about what
could happen, not a statement about what
will happen. As such, it's useful for those in the know, but for the rest of us who can't do anything about it, there's very little point in our knowing. Think of the MIB's attitude. That's my position, except I'm one of the people who "doesn't want to know", in this case.