Ok, I guess the whole usenet thing passed me by. How do I get on usenet?
here and
here for usenet tutorials that should be all you'll need to get started.
You'll need a usenet server...chances are your isp has one (usually it's something like news.yourispname.com, but it could be something else. Just call your isp and ask them if they have one and what the address is.) Unfortunately, a lot of isp news providers just plain suck in terms of the breadth of newsgroups they carry, completion of posts, and retention time (the amount of time they keep posts before they are deleted from the server). If you plan on doing a lot of usenet downloading, I highly recommend investing 10-15 dollars a month to subscribe to a premium usenet server (there should be recommendations for these on the sites I posted above). I subscribe to Airnews personally, but opinions vary about which premium news provider is best.
You'll also need a news reader that can decode binaries. I prefer
NewsShark ,but I believe the trial version only lets you use two newsgroups with it. I actually paid for the registered version, but you can find some other free ones. Again, you can find info about them on the tutorial sites.
Another couple of hints for usenet...it is huge, and you can spend a lot of time searching for stuff. In general it's not like a file sharing thing where you search for what you want and it brings it back to you. It's more like you learn what groups the stuff you like is being posted to, and monitor those groups to see if it shows up. Sooner or later, it does. You just have to be a little patient sometimes.
More sites you might find useful in your hunt for usenet porn:
These are two sites that index binary usenet posts. They notify you what has been posted to which groups, saving you a lot of time sifting through headers to find stuff.
Another site I use quite frequently is
http://www.usenetbinaries.com/. This is actually a pay service where they decode the binaries for you and you download them from their website. What I did is signed up for their free membership, which gives you a really small amount of download credit (like a meg or something), but lets you see unlimited previews of the posts in the binaries groups. So, you can use the site to see preview pictures of usenet posts in the various groups, even if the original posts did not have previews included.
One other recommendation is bittorrent.
http://empornium.us:6969/ is a good site to get started on. There's some good info on bittorrent
With a handle like mine, you can be assured I give good advice on this subject!