My brother has a g4 ti 4600 and the cooling fan has died. Anyway, it's an abit siluro and the memory and chip heatsinks all look really pretty and so it has this intricate design, which makes it almost impossible to remove the fan itself and replace.
The card runs fine for standard apps, even some modelling in 3ds max etc but when trying to play games it just keeps overheating and so the systems hangs all the time.
Anyway, the card is over a year and half old now, so it's not under any warranty. I was wondering about what are some possible cooling solutions i could try in order to make the card work again.
I've heard a little about pci cards and that they can be used for cooling agp cards pretty efficiently, although i was wondering if anyone has any other possible solutions (i don't want to do much hacking/modding of the card though). Or if anyone has some knowledge or experience with pci fans for this kind of cooling purpose.
Although i am a little pissed that they make these cards look so pretty, who even looks a them???
It just means it's harder for me to fix, i couldn't care less what it looks like....
ok end of rant
thanks for any advice/info