Originally posted by water_boy1999
Plan9, you're not being an ass. Because you have a lot of knowledge about working out, and are a certified trainer, people shoud respect what you have to say about your opinions of working out. I agreee with your response of #4, accept I would have probably answered with a slightly more reserved tone.
If someone is serious about working out, as Telethon says, then advice from an experienced person might be more helpful then guessing what the best course of action should be. If you want to workout only your arms and chest, you are definitely NOT getting the full benefit of being in shape, having good posture, or any other aspect of becomming physically fit.
well, i agree with you that he should work his whole body. but... and it's a big but... it's up to him to decide what to do. you cant' make him do anything he doesn't want to. so if he wants to know something about what he does want to do, then help him out. and maybe try to talk him into doing full body.
anyways, if sarcasm was intended (which it is, i now think based on the above post by plan9, but didn't at the time), then it wasn't apparent.
and finally, for your information, i'm also a certified personal trainer. i have my certification from the American Council on Exercise, and I'm currently studying exercise science at the university i attend. to put it simply, i know my shit. and i know my resources to find out what i don't, or if in disagreement with someone, to use as reference to support my side.
obviously, if you read some of my posts in general, i have a bit different outlook on how to do things than plan9. i don't agree with him on about 25% of what he says. does that mean i know i'm right and that i know he's wrong? no, not necessarily. YOU (and everyone else who gets advice from the internet, especially about exercise) needs to remember that exercise isn't an exact science. different things work for different people, no two people are alike. and a lot of what you might read on the internet is not right. there are a lot of "exercise myths" that are spread around even though studies have proven them false because enough pepole have said them and there's anecdotal evidence only.
i'm rambling... my points are a) just because you don't like what someone wants to do for exercise doesn't mean you should be an ass (make sure sarcasm is appearant), and b) try to get your info from multiple sources. hell, read a book on the stuff, find out info in depth. if you want some books to read, i'll pm you a few.
edit: oh, and just cause someone knows what their doing, doesn't mean that they cant' be being an ass. ex. a physics teacher who can do what he's teaching in his sleep can still be an ass to the student he's helping in office hours. it's all about attitude.
respect comes not from knowing how to do something, it's comes from how you treat others.