Computer refuses to run a CD (Only a certain one)
Recently I purchased FFXI for my PC.
The game comes with 5 CD's (2 of the CD's are seperate programs).
CD #1 and #2 (We will refer to these as the seperate programs)
CD #3-5 (All part of one install)
CD #1 and #2 load up and install without a hitch,while CD 3-5 simply do not load at all,#3 being the first Disc which begins the install.
It doesent open install shield wizard...nothing.
I get an error about setup.exe not being able to run..and that's it.
The weird pc has never done this before..and the CD runs fine on a friends PC.
Copying the CD to my computer didnt help at all either..same outcome.
Everyone that seems to be computer literate I know has no ideas.
This really has me stumped (and pretty pissed).
So..I ask the computer l337 out there for some assistance!