Substance(Negative Comments Appreciated)
I bite down on my blue raspberry sucker, degrading it to little bits and pieces on the stick. And yet, even with it mostly gone, its substance, its taste still lingers on my tongue, lips mouth and I know that even if I was to throw the damn thing away my mind would continue to remember it and would continue to send its experiences with it and interpretations of it to my taste buds on my rough tongue. However, as time wears on the opinions and interpretations of my mind will begin to fade and it will distort the truth but my taste buds won’t know this and they will begin to accept lies since they could not decide for themselves. Without the ability to decide for ourselves how can we ever decide what is true and what is false? Without knowledge what values do our opinions hold? maybe I should contact "LolliNotes", maybe they can tell me what their "blue raspberry" once tasted like, and I can stop relying upon my deceitful senses. Maybe I should try and contact god, ask him what this paper feels like, what it smells like, what this pen feels like and how my hand, sore from all of this writing, should feel like. Does he even know himself? Does he somehow obtain his "knowledge” in a different fashion than I? Perhaps, being the almighty "creator" dude, he can explain his intentions to me, show me how it was supposed to be, and explain where everything became tainted and distorted, where the black and white merged to form gray, or perhaps white was raped by black and gray is a misaligned offspring unintended to be brought into this world, came here to blind our third eyes and to lead us into darkness… but without knowing light how can darkness exist? Everything exists by contradiction. I’m tired. Leave me alone.