I think that it was necessary to get involved in the region. I'm not very happy with the way we got involved, but nevertheless we have found ourselves there at this point, and its time to make the best of it. A representative government in Iraq would be ideal for all parties involved. Is it possible? I don't see why not. Is it difficult? Extremely. Its going to take a lot of dedication and a lot of time and a lot of money. Staying away from the region as a whole is not an option. The problems of other regions will inevitably become the problems of the world. AIDS is a prime example. Africa and Asia are AIDS timebombs, and I think most people recognize this. A stable and democratic Iraq would bring a slice of hope to many other countries in the middle east, that such a government can exist. The difficult part is in the details. How do we do it? This is a rigorous process, but giving up would be the worst scenario for all parties involved. It would fuel a resentment for the west even more, and the hope for a government by the people and for the people would slip out of the Arab world's hands for years to come.
Staying the course is going to be extremely painful. There is nothing simple about setting up a democracy. All of a sudden you have millions of people on your hands who have never had a voice, and now have a lot to say. Those who were once part of a privileged class under a tyrannical government, are going to go apeshit out of fear of revenge, or of losing what status they had before, some will take up arms, some will fund those who take up arms, and some will maybe learn to live as the common man.
Meanwhile you have public opinion obviously critical of the occupying force. They want their democracy now. They believe they may be ready. They want it fast, and they want us to get the hell out. And so they may start to support the ones taking up arms. Ironically the more that take up arms against us, the longer we have to stay to get things done. It amazes me that anyone in Iraq that wants the US to get out, would feel sympathetic for the aggressors that are still fighting against us. It slows down everything when our troops are getting killed everyday.
Democracy is a natural cure for many problems that a nation can be inflicted by. It encourages a greater possibility for the outcomes and solutions to problems. It puts power into the hands of the voter. While this may be a very simplistic way of viewing it, it is at the heart of my support for being in the region. It will take many years, but my prediction is that history will judge the war in Iraq to be a messy entry point into the region, but it will eventually be responsible for bringing about a greater stability and a greater peace in the region. I look forward to seeing Iraq prosper, and inevitably the middle east region. Its going to be a long and painful road, but I think it will be worth it.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues
Last edited by Conclamo Ludus; 11-14-2003 at 09:45 AM..