It sounds like a number of you divorce "high intelligence" and "social intelligence". Perhaps there's a feeling of inferiority? I'm not anything special in the IQ dept. (or even socially) but had a chance to roommate with a guy who was ... smart. The highest score I ever saw from a test he did on a whim was a maxxed-out 186 - he was probably 200+. He'd "cram" for his senior level biochem tests by reading the text right before a test - like a novel - at about 3 to 4 pages a MINUTE. He'd then get a perfect score. I watched him read a book on measure theory for FUN. In addition, he's charming, good looking, an athlete etc. etc. (he vacillates between snowboarding, skateboarding and chinese boxing). This dude is just BETTER, all around, than I am.
OTOH, who the fuck cares? Don't try to compare yourself to others - I can almost guarantee that there is someone, somewhere out there who is smarter/faster/better/handsomer/nicer ALL AT ONCE than you are. Just be yourself.