I think everyone really needs to re-read lordjeebus' thoughts on this. He/she really hits the nail on the head. No matter what are you political leanings might be, REALLY REALLY think about what it means to have a EXTREME viewpoint our court systems. Is this what America is about?
Originally posted by lordjeebus
Judges should, in my opinion, be as nonpartial as possible in order to fulfill their societal role, and thus should carry no party affiliation.
I am opposed to anyone, liberal or conservative, becoming a judge if their beliefs are extreme enough to produce unfair judgements. Unfortunately, I bet that there are many judges like this out there. Look at the Supreme Court!
When the democrats seek to block the most extreme judicial nominees, I support them. I also support republicans that block the most extreme liberal nominees -- despite the fact that my political beliefs are more liberal than most.