bundy said
but, then they made the grave mistake of appearing on the current Roy and HG show, The Cream.
Aussies know who i´m talking about and some of yall might remember their brilliant show from during the Sydney Olympics, but anyway, they are bloody hilarious.
they took the absolute piss out of these ladies, that particularly dry sarcastic humour that we Aussies love went straight over their heads. they just sat there with their mouths open, looking pretty (and admittedly rather stupid).
pretty, but very dull those girls.
hope they enjoyed their party tour of Australia.
oh yes, that interview was fucking hilarious

Roy and HG really had a field day with that one. Although the one with the short hair "seemed" better than the other one. The one with the lonegr hair seemed really stuck up and fucking clueless. At least the other was sorta grinning at jokes (even though she probably didn't understand anyway?)
Why would they even go on the show?
Also, i heard that apparently one of the guys from Australian Idol hooked up with one of them at one of the parties or functions that they attended whilst they were here.
Although they may fit an ideal type amongst guys, as blonde hair, tan, skinny etc i don't find them that attractive either.