Thank You Thank You Thank You for your replies!
My feelings on the situation in Iraq is that, as unfortunate as it is, someone has to stop Saddam. The old Iraqi administration openly supported hatred of the United states, Israel and the rest of the west. He helped finance Terrorism, using religious rhetoric and he funded those who enslaved others with religious lies and trickery.
He uses (if still alive) the Muslim religion as a means to build his own personal wealth and power base. This Man and his minions have killed uncounted numbers of people "just because". Saddam Hussein has made a mockery of an otherwise noble and loving religion.
He held the entire nation of Iraq in his hand, killing those who opposed him, and fattening those who killed with him. (who dares disagree???)
If left unchecked, Saddam would certainly have aquired and used Weapons of mass destruction. ( I haven't found a single person who disagrees with this statement yet!!!!)
Lets not forget that Saddam killed his own family members because he felt they didn't support his rein of power.
I say kick his miserable ass!
Just one man's opinion
Last edited by skippy; 11-13-2003 at 06:57 PM..