Originally posted by genka
and good-bye to most pot-related crime........ Also, good-bye to nat'l debt.
wtf genka? exactly what "pot-related crime" are you refering to?
and as far as the nat'l debt going away due to taxation of marijuana - HA! that's really funny dude. our government has no clue how to stick to a budget or save money. our debt'll never go away, because so much tax money gets wasted and none of the people in charge give a shit.
and LordEden, you might want to clarify those prices you named for the non-smokers here at tfp. otherwise, you're just spreading further misinformation. you know that we pay - by far - some of the highest prices in the country, because we get some of the best weed in the country. people that don't smoke weed or don't smoke often wouldn't realize that the $50 an eighth you and i pay is exceptionaly high. keep in mind that that's around 4 times what most folks pay, if not more - we take this for granted, but a lot of people wouldn't have any way of knowing the difference
sixate, i have to disagree with your example about parents letting 13 year olds smoke weed. first of all, what parent is gonna let that happen? there's plenty of things parents do that they wouldn't let their 13 year old get away with, like smoking(cigarettes), drinking, and fucking, or, for that matter, driving a car. would you let a 13 year old look around on "off the wayside"? while i do agree with your comment"If they don't care that their kids are fucking themselves up at a young age then their kids should be taken away from them," i think that that has to do with being a shitty parent, and has nothing to do with being a pothead. however, i'm going to leave my disagreement at that; i know i can't change your mind about weed, and wouldn't try to. drugs are one of those issues - like politics, religion, and sex - that everyone has strong feelings about, and refuses to change one way or another. i just hope that you realize that there are both "good potheads" and "bad potheads", just as there are good and bad people in any group. would i myself let my (hypothetical) 13 year old smoke pot? hell no! but i'm also not gonna tell any kid that i might have that it's evil, only that they need to wait till they're older and always be responsible about it. i intend to tell my kids all about both the good AND bad sides of drugs when they're old enough to understand, and let them make their own decisions. if they want to do drugs, i can't stop them(i should know, both my parents are/were strict as hell, niether of them do drugs, not even alcohol, and my dad's a cop - and none of that ever stopped me from getting high) - but i can at least try to do the best i can to prepare them to make informed decisions. heck, if my kid was grown-up and smoking weed on his own, i'd smoke with him - but he also better damn well be able to support his own habits, pay his bills and keep things together otherwise.
as far as legalizing or decriminalizing, (surprisingly, i realize) i actually support decriminilization over legalization. i don't wanna go to prison for the rest of my life because some asshole cop got lucky enough to find a bag on me,
but i also don't like the idea of the government or some big corporation growing/controlling my shit either.