These kinds of scores are jokes.... I had a friend get an 1100 on the Sat and over the course of a summer, his family paid for him to be in a SAT study program that let you continually take them and get feedback on what to study. He had a 1450 by the end of summer. At my Highschool the Honors english classes were easier than the regular ones by all accounts. In my college it often comes down to which professors you get. Growing up, they wanted me to be in a gifted program that required doing twice the work as everyone else. Not more advanced work, just more problems. GPA is slightly better, but what does it matter either? I could raise my 2.4 college GPA, but I'd rather take classes that will teach me something, not some pathetic "football player" (sorry if its offensive) classes. Who cares if someone can tell you what 2+2 is if they can't apply it or anything else to life? As far as I'm concerned, the ability to have a decent conversation with someone who thinks about things is the only way to factor intelligence meaningfully.