Originally posted by filtherton
If god is indeed all knowing, what would be the point of god doing anything? Why create a universe out of nothing if you already know exactly what will happen for all of eternity down to the most minute detail?
As a Christian, I have my own opinion on this, but must first say that I always feel strange trying to put human words, feelings, or logic into a infinitely superior being. With that said..... I personally feel that God IS love, and that the things he does are expressions of that love. If indeed he is a loving god he likely uses us to express it. I've always figured that knowing the future is fairly irrelevent with an emotion like love. If I tell you that the person you are married to will betray you or that your child will die, it will trouble you, but I doubt it will make you stop loving them and sacrificing for them (as a sign of your love). So, I guess what I would say is "why does knowing the future = inaction?"