D'Aleen casts a look to where Krazixs is sleeping peacefully. So many changes so quickly, she thinks to herself, as her eyes shift to watch Darghon as he tries to master his use of fire breath. If he is able to harness that power it certainly will come in handy as Thantos had pointed out.
Reaching under her cloak the elf pulls out her flask of spring water and takes a long drink from it. Feeling refreshed she thinks of Krazixs. Thankful that some of his questions are at last being answered, with Vinoh's aid, she hopes he finds some peace in his mind. Thinking of what they are most likely to come up against in the near future, she is thankful for the discovery of his powers. D'Aleen had a very strong feeling they would require every bit of help they could get before their task was through.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!