Throughout the latter part of the battle, Szanod just stood and took in everything around him. He watched as Serendice was defeated twice by Krazixs, but didn't revel in it. In fact, he seemed disappointed.
When the onslaught finally stopped, he joined everyone around Serendice's corpse and watched he ressurection at the hands of Michael. He had not returned his nod and was now frowning.
"Arc, Serendice has learned nothing of herself through her battle with you, for you simply sought to destroy. A line must be drawn between righteous retribution and pointless killing and you need to learn where that line is.
Serendice had pride, which was channelled the wrong way, but her case was not hopeless. Being killed twice only aggravates an already touchy situation and I fear that you prevented her from knowing herself.
If you cannot be defeated, I suggest that you leave this plane, for he who risks nothing gains nothing. Two beings here still have some things to sort out, so please..."
Szanod then turned to Michael...
"Archangel, I must say I'm surprised to see the wrath of "God" here. Since you now have the sword you so eagerly cling to, then leave Serendice in peace, go back to your plane and let her find her way."
Szanod then turned around and headed back towards the center of the frozen field, where he stood, pensive.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.