Ah, Conclamo Ludus, a man of sense. I praise you for seeing why we are now there. A stable Iraq will mean a more stable Middle East. Iran will soon fix itself because the people over there are demanding democratic reforms within the nation. People in countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. will see the prosperity that Iraq will have, and hopefully Iran too. This is a domino effect, but it is one of the people.
Soldiers swearing?! I've never heard of that in my entire life, these guys should clearly be court martialed! Look, if these guys did in fact arrest this man, simply because he was saying anti-coalition things (by that I mean things like, "I do not want you hear, go away"), then they will more than likely go through at least a preliminary court martial to determine what should be done next. However, I see this as very unlikely. This guy was probably yelling something to the extent of "If I had a gun/bomb/RPG, I would martyr myself for the Allmighty Allah just so I could kill infidels, etc. etc. etc."
Don't mention the draft please, that's only used in times of dire emergency, because, militarily speaking, the draft does not help that much in a situation like the one in Iraq. The draft gives less time to train all these greenhorns that signed up, and then they go off to wherever, thinking they're gonna be heroes, and more than likely get killed.
Under Reagan and for most of the tenure of Bush Sr. there was one enemy, and one enemy to concern ourselves with, that was the Soviet Union. Yeah, we did things that came back to bite us in the butt, that's life, and hindsight (which is 20/10 by the way).
Do I think the way we got to Iraq was questionable? Yes. Do I think we should leave? No, because if we do, there will be a power vacuum that more than likely Saddam will just refill. I do not want to see that, because the people of Iraq will suffer even greater than before.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"
"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."
"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."