Originally posted by castex
I defy anybody to tell me they drive better straight than I do stoned. I'd similarly challenge anyone to show me the facts which say that smoking weed makes one's driving worse. Yes, the idea of it is frightening if you don't know what you're talking about, but if you do, you know there's no problem. If the stuff were legal, they might do some proper tests. Until then I know there are a host of other factors that make the roads an extremely dangerous place to be. Deal with it, or take the train.
Castex, with all due respect, I do know what I am talking about when it comes to smoking pot. It does hamper one's ability to drive, in the same way that alcohol does. I speak from experience. I have been smoking pot for about 20 years, about 10 of those years you could say I was...or still am a pot head. I have yet to be able to drive stoned and not notice a difference in my own abilities, reaction times, etc.......Your argument probably won't hold up for a majority of the pot smokers out there. At least we are responsible with the use of our weed.
For the rest of you naysayers, I am the top salesperson for my company which is a $220 million company. I pay my taxes and bills, I live a life full of fun, travel, competitive sports, etc.....I live a fantastic, non-stereotypical lifestyle for a stoner. My work associates would never know that I smoke weed, because I ONLY do it in my free time. I am also clean cut, take care of my personal hygene, and when stoned I am either being creative or doing something active.....so, for people who think ALL potheads are lazy....meet me, water_boy1999!
Sixate, I do find it interesting that you don't want to get into any more "pissing matches" when you post such a volatile article with such a heated start to a thread, and not expect to get lambasted for it. I do respect your opinion though.