Moderation, people. MODERATION. You don't drink all day every day and not get liver damage, but you CAN drink socially and not fuck yourself. You can't smoke all day every day and not have SOME sort of effects, but you CAN smoke socially, IN MODERATION, and be fine. It affects everyone differently. Part of this is due to everyone's unique brain chemistry, the other part is how you store it. The THC is stored in your fatty tissue. Depending on how your body works, it will stay there for longer or go away more quickly, and that ALONE (negating everything else about the brain itself) is enough to uniquely impact every person who uses it.
And i'll knock any uppity motherfucker off his or her soapbox when they mouth off about pot use. You don't like it? Fine, don't use it. Don't give me that "you'll hurt your family" bullshit. It's bullshit because that's an extreme situation where it is an addiction. If it is used in moderation, as should ALL THINGS, then there is no "hurt your family" factor. The point of addiction is defined as when the addictive component causes a disruption in family, work, school, or relationships. This can be caused by anything. You can be addicted to pot, alcohol, coke, speed, PCP, acid, sex, porno, masterbating, or ANYTHING that causes the condition above.
Be more tolerant of those who think differently than you. Just because we like pot does not make us sub-human, but I promise you it's treated that way all too often. We are not all burn-outs. Burn-outs are like alcoholics. They did it too much, way above moderation, and fucked themselves up. They became addicted.
The last person I had give me a speech was a fat woman. Oh, to hear her talk to me about how i'm destroying my body. I bench 225 and work out several times a week. I've always done well in school, I'm an english/film major, and I write all the time. I've been losing weight recently to get into better shape. She had 100 pounds on me and a McDonald's bag in her car. Can you not see the irony in that? My body is mine to deal with, not yours. If it fucks up my family life, my job, my relationships, or my schooling, you have every right to tell me it's bad for me. Until then, you do your thing and i'll do mine.
P.s.- I haven't smoked in months. When I do smoke, it's 2 or 3 times a month, tops. I've only smoked (and in this fashion) for about 2 years, but have always championed the cause. For me, it's not a huge deal- i'm just tired of people pushing THEIR personal preference onto ME, telling ME how to run my life.