Hi jay, thanks for your reply

Glad your partner worked things out in the end. I hope everything's still great between you two!
I really want to go with my gut feeling here, but it changes at different times. 36 hours ago I knew I was in love with her, but after hearing her tell me that the 'lust' isn't there, and then a few days later that the 'spark' isn't there, I'm not sure how I feel. I know I loved her then, but her words really, really hurt me, and don't exactly fill me with enthusiasm and optimism.
One part of me says 'We all go through s--t sometimes, I'm here for her', the other half says 'We all go through s--t sometimes, but it doesn't mean I should be treated like this'.
I think Johnny Rotten, you might be spot on there. I don't know if people necessarily change as a relationship goes on, but I'll accept that you get to know someone's true colors after a while.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to her place and we'll have a talk. I'll start from the very basics - Do you still want to be with me? - and if she says yes then I'll work up from there and try to address some of the problems I talked about up there. I'm not going to be accusative here, I'm going to take the view that she's a bit confused and stressed, and I'm there to make things better for the <i>both</i> of us, not just to complain that I'm being treated unfairly.
Wish me luck