In my humble opinion, the reason you are here is to experience, plain and simple.
Some of what you shall experience will trouble you a great deal, whereas other instances will merely fade in and out of focus with little or no attention on your part. In a situation like this, I would say: evaluate.
Who the hell are you?
What is it that you may experience or endure that will bring you emotional fulfillment? A person, place, action, effect?
These are certainly not two questions you sit down and answer, click a button, then patiently wait for the next screen to load in order to inform you of what type of berry you are, or what cast member of what show you might be.
These are two questions that you need to answer in order to pursue the path to fulfillment.
How can you measure success in life without realizing what's important to you? FIND the answers to these questions through your emotions. A search that will no doubt be lengthy, but one that will provide you with what you're missing along the way, that being meaning.
So how do you find these answers? Find activities and people who interest, educate and satisfy you. Really, despite popular belief, it's not difficult to locate individuals for which to compliment your needs and interests. There ARE people like you out there, regardless of whatever cynicism you've taken in or adapted has led you to believe. Find these individuals and grow to understand who you are through the enjoyment and hardships you experience both with, and through, them. With these items in place, work through them and evaluate which ones project the most meaning towards your life.
When you have meaning, you have purpose. And when you have the idea in your head that your life serves a purpose, the experiences you will both enjoy and endure will carry more emotional value than you can ever imagine.
Or, you could dismiss this as pompous rhetoric that's simply far too idealistic for this kind of world. A simple quick-fix to a problem far too complicated and complex for others to comprehend. I suppose it depends on your definitions of both faith and hope, as well as the role each plays in our culture.
The choice is yours.
Last edited by trudes1131; 11-11-2003 at 10:11 PM..