Well i had my shoes (not on at the time though) and all, and they even asked me if i wanted to put them back on, but i declined as making a statement to my disgust at the decision to include shoes in the game. The rules were disscussed before the game, it wasn't suddenly sprung on me, i was just pissed off at the time. Hats and jewelery and all the other stuff, shouldn't really count either. They're accessories, not clothing.
JUst an example. If you were going shopping for shoes, you'd say you're going shoe shopping.
If you're going shopping for a top, shirt, pants, undies and so forth, you'd say clothes shopping.
If you're going for a hat or jewelery, youd probably specifically say you're gonna buy them.
So clothes should only include what you'd shop for, if you're going clothes shopping. Otherwise it doens't make sense

i am just scrapping the barrell for some justification