With her newfound strength pulsating through every inch of her, Serendice focused her energy. She closed her eyes, feeling the scorching ice around her begin to give way. In one deft movement she flung the flaming sword in an arc around her encased body, shattering the ice with a deafening blow.
She leapt skyward, free of her bonds, and began to search hungrily for Arc who would die soon if he hadn't already. She felt his presence below the ice and dove down, waving the flaming blade before her. She sliced through the ice and dragged Arc's nearly lifeless body from its cold tomb.
Remembering that this was the demon who had killed the only being she had ever loved, she clenched her fists and kicked him hard in the ribs.
"Get up and fight me, you pathetic excuse for a warrior!"
talk is cheap, so i buy every word you said.
scared me half to death, now i'm half dead.