Originally posted by Moobie
But do you think there's any validity to the whole "software modems won't work on a PI" because of the MMX2 thing? That I had not heard before.
I'll answer this one. Yes he's smoking crack. Not the pure stuff either. Softmodems require access to the proccesor for software compression as a softmodem is a modem without the expensive 3com copyrighted compression chip that hardware modems have. Most usb modems are also software modems as well.
MMX2 has nothing to do with it. I'm running an old usr softmodem on a pentium 1 mass storage device box as proof.
HOWEVER, your milage may vary and without good drivers it's just not worth using on anything less than a PII. I've had very bad experiance using the HSR chipset series of softmodems and Intel softmodems have a very bad reputation (which is why you see so many on ebay). Go for a US Robotics chipset for a softmodem. It's 25.00 vs. 5.00. but worth it if you refuse to spend 50.00 for a good 3com or USR.