it only sold well because it got advertising
and it only got advertising because the RIAA got all the money. Apple doesnt make anything, its just a toy for the RIAA to make money when it shouldnt. Apple has become a play thing of the RIAA and is seeing next to no gains.
It made money on apples because they had no real alternative. and when it went Windows, it had the full backing of the RIAA with all the good press of success on the Apple. The acc system is not as good as many others, and the ipod is an overpriced player, ie heaps of profit on each one as stated above.
This means that if you get an ipod and get a few songs, you are subsidising the people who get thousands of songs.
Im sure there is something in here about the whole apple vs beatles thing in here, i can smell it.
I am Hanabal, Phear my elephants