Here's a question I haven't quite figured out yet... At the end of Revolutions the Architect is talking to the Oracle and mentions something like "you play a dangerous game" which verifies to me that she's the real instigator of this revolution. (Neo chose the other door because of his love for Trinity, which the Oracle kind of played matchmaker in setting up)
But if Smith had not been in the equation everything would have turned out different. Neo would not have been able to negotiate with the machines to take out Smith in exchange for peace. So the machines would have just killed everyone and both worlds would have been wiped out.
So does that mean that the Oracle knew or instigated the Smith virus? If she had anything to do with it what influence can you think of? I'm drawing a blank. If she had nothing to do with Smith, then she was playing a high stakes game with nothing in her hand. Which seems kinda stupid.
Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.
We like money. Give us your money you stupid consumer whore.
Last edited by Moobie; 11-11-2003 at 01:13 PM..