Hockey is the only sport I watch anymore. I've been watching the Red Wings since I was 6, when Steve Yzerman came into the league, and haven't looked back since. You won't find a better game for pacing, excitement, drama, and heroism than Hockey. Even though I grew up during the 80's and early 90's, where goal scoring was very high around the league, I prefer less goals to more, which is why I like Hockey better than Baseball or Basketball. Each goal actually means something, a team had to fight hard to get that goal, put every bit of effort they had into it. Basketball has bucket after bucket after bucket, and Baseball has gone insane in the last decade with 12-20 runs a game not uncommon.
It is a shame to see the greed expressed in other sports finally rearing its ugly head in the NHL. The owners have always been gluttons, but up unitl recently, the players salaries were low enough to where you knew they were actually playing because they loved the sport, not just to earn a paycheck.
I also believe that if there is a stoppage next season, the league will be all but over. They just don't have the financial or media backing enough to survive it like Baseball did. Russia , as well as some EU leagues, are currently maneuvering to get all their high end players back to start a league on par with the NHL, and the idea of the WHL is gaining popularity.
Anywho, I love Hockey, and GO WINGS!