"What's the point?" Koorittou asked, still eminating frozen tears from his blue eyes."I let the demon side of me get the better of me, and I have hurt everyone, and I have failed my mission. I damned this sacred land to an eternally cold prison."
Koorittou did not rise from the icy ground. The cold of the ground even sent icy stings thoughout his body, and he was an ice demon. Imagine the pain the others felt.
'Good..' Koorittou thought to himself. 'At least I can share in at least some of the pain I have caused my enemies neelessly.'
"Eldaire.." Koorittou said, still lying on the ground. "I sense Matt within you, and you speak with his wisdom. You spoke of my destiny, but I have none now. I damned myself to a life of pain and misery. I am nothing more than a demon. Before I was a guardian who kept his demon side in check. But now...I have lost the battle."
'What have I done?' Koorittou again asked himself.