I find it odd sometimes hearing what other people can't eat.....like onions....damn I love them.....or beef, or fish.....these are staples of my diet. To each his own I suppose.
I have convulsions when I just smell a brussel sprout. My parents forced me to eat them when I was a kid and to this day I still can't stomach them. My dad would always tell me to take a bit of brussel sprout with potatoes, or meat so you can't taste it.....still can't do it.
Funny story....I was on a date with someone who eventually became my girlfriend for a few months.....our first date we went to this really nice joint, bought a nice bottle of wine.....ordered the Angel Hair pasta with prawns and a light marinara sauce.....well, the menu never said anything about garnishing it with brussel sprouts. I asked the waitress to take them off, but when the plate came back and I took a bite, I could still smell the sprouts. I started to gag in front of the girl and had to have the waitress take the plate away. Just couldn't be near them. Ugh!
-Homer Simpson