Well, digging into my ntfs books I found this...<i>In addition to (or in place of) a drive letter, you can assign one or more drive paths to a primary partition, a logical drive, or a simple volume on a dynamic disk. Assigning a drive path creates a mounted volume, which appears as a folder within an NTFS- formatted drive that has a letter assigned to it....</i>.
Does "my computer" show a new drive? Whoops, I suppose you would know that if you could get past the bsod.
Do an F8 (safe mode) of course you have been there, and go to "help and support" after you access the "start" menu once XP loads in safe mode.
Go to "help and support", wait for it to load, might take a few seconds, select a restore point from a few days ago, and go with that.
Sounds like your machine doesn't understand which drive to look at when it is looking for info since the drive it wants has been "dismounted:". Partition Magic did that to me once.
I hope this helps, but, over the phone\net troubleshooting gets goofy and I am sure folks with much more smarts than me can hook you up. Just trying to help out a brother.