I think liberating Iraq was the right thing. I know that the given reasons, WMD and threat to our security seem weak in retrospect.
The real reason for the invasion was that Iraq was a pain in the ass and our policy for dealing with it was unsustainable. How long do you think sanctions and No Fly zones were going to take to cause positive change?
Our priorities changed on 9/11. We no longer needed to tolerate the Iraqi regime. We had the means to remove him, so we did. It is the old saw about why does a dog lick himself. We do not have the luxury to tolerate rogue regimes, and no one can say we cant do anything about it. As Bush stated in his speech on Democracy in the Middle East, we do not have to feel bound by the premises that have guided US foreign policy for 40 yrs. We can change the world and we must for our own long term security.
'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)