Originally posted by james t kirk
Two things come to mind...
1. The guy who runs Kazakhstan is a murdering prick supposedly. In fact, he is supposed to make Saddam look like an amateur. Yet he is backed financially, politically, and god knows how else by the USA. Why is that?
2. The americans have interviewed over 800 Iraqi scientists, politicians, etc. They have all said the same thing independent of each other. There were no biological or chemical weapons or any program to develope the same. You would think that if there "were" such weapons, ONE Of them, just ONE would have said so.
This does not appear to be the case.
I always thought that there "might" turn out to be such weapons etc.
It now appears that there never were. Either the americans have the shittiest intelligence in the world, or, you have been lied to.
Take your pick.
Two things
1. I don't know anything about the leader of kazakhstan. But I do know is that the U.N. doesn't infringe on soverignity, so aslong as he keeps to himself, sadly nothing will be done. Saddam fucked himself over by attacking other nations, he made it the worlds business. At which point there were several U.N. resolutions that he knowingly disobeyed.
2. Have you heard of the Kay document? Basically what it says is yes there is no "smoking gun", but there is proof of on going WMD programs in Iraq.